The Skeptical Adversaria
The Adversaria was for many years ASKE's quarterly newsletter. From 2013 it was incorporated into the Skeptical Intelligencer. The Adversaria contained news announcements of skeptical interest (with links to reports), articles and essays, humorous features, and a regular puzzle section to test readers' logical reasoning ability. Almost all the back copies of the Adversaria may be accessed on this website at Adversaria Archive.
The Skeptical Intelligencer
From 1997 the Intelligencer was issued quarterly, then annually until 2013, since when it appeared quarterly and incorporated the Skeptical Adversaria. The Intelligencer section continued to feature serious articles of interest to skeptics, book reviews, etc., and each issue included all the features of the Adversia. Almost all the back copies of the Intelligencer may be accessed on this website at Intelligencer Archive.